Saturday, September 29, 2012

Busy Weekends

Friday was weird. First off, it was the third double run of the week and I had to start running before 7 so I would have time to get to my 8 am because I had a midterm (what?) that class and it was sort of important that I was on time for it. Just a little bit.

The test is all multiple choice, which is sometimes good but sometimes very, very bad. As soon as we start the test, I sort of fly through all 60 questions and check them all in around 25 minutes. All I can think while
I'm leaving is that the test went either really, really well or horribly. There is no middle ground here.

So now I get to spend all weekend freaking out and shitting my diaper patiently waiting for my professor to either post the grade of to get it back in class, hopefully on Monday.

Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do between classes in 35 minutes. I ended up sitting on a bench by my next class, listening to music and checking my email through my iPod. And drinking coffee, because it hadn't frozen like it usually does by the time I get to my second class.

I was going to ask my teacher questions about our project, but we didn't have our teacher that day. We had a sub. I didn't even know you could have subs in college. Is this a thing? Can they even do that?

Basically all that happened there was that I took a quiz and got out 30 minutes early, and got to sit in the basement of the building as I waited for my calculus class to happen. It was not really all that awesome. Not awesome at all.

The rest of my classes were boring, and I spent my time between my last class and my second run desperately hoping my anthropology professor would upload our test results. (It didn't happen.) Around three I went on a six mile run with my roommate, and I pretty much spent the rest of my night catching up on Castle a bit. Which reminds me; I'll probably be having posts about the TV shows I watch (aka crime shows) soon. Because the people I usually geek out freak out with are now at different colleges, and I need an outlet for this before I start to scare people.

Today I went with my sister Eileen to the bank, because she accidentally deposited around $200 into my account instead of her own and she needed me to switch it back. I ended up staying over at her house for most of the day, working on my computer science project (which I may or may not be doing correctly. I have absolutely no idea right now.) and eating lunch.

Since the majority of the team was away for a meet, everyone else who stayed was on their own for the long run today. I ended up running form my sister's apartment and down to this park that's about 3-ish miles away and doing some loops around there until I ran 11 miles and my sister picked me up. It wasn't that bad, but my legs were still pretty dead from the 400 workout a couple days ago.

As my sister dropped me off, I stole back my camera. But I should have checked it before she left, because while I do have my camera, I don't have my memory card.

Well played.

Tomorrow my sister Meagan and my parents are coming to visit from home and we're all going to Art Prize! Which is cool because I was planning on going this weekend, but it never really happened. So I'll definitely be looking forward to tomorrow :)

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