Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why Are All My Classes So Weird?

Guess who's last class of the day of the day was cancelled? That's right; this kid's.

Really all my classes were sort of weird today. Anthropology was just a review day for the test on Friday, and I managed to stay concentrated on what she was saying, while writing it all down, drinking coffee, and eating breakfast. Also while somebody in the room next to us was de-fleshing an animal. At first, I sort of thought it was somebody's phone on vibrate going off while on something metal, except really old so  it was really rattling all over the place.

Nope, the teacher said it was somebody de-fleshing an animal. She also said that the room was about to smell really bad or really good, depending on what it was. I have no idea how de-fleshing an animal can smell good and I really don't want to, so I'm glad she ended up closing the door because of the distraction.

On another note, I'm pretty sure I'm almost ready for this test. Which is good, since it's in two days and all.

After this class I figured everything would be sort of normal/boring. That's how my computer science class started. Eventually, she decided to show us a practical example of the programming, and she goes online to show an exercise somebody made. Which is about cigar smoking, partying squirrels. Apparently, for a squirrel party to be successful during the week, each squirrel needs to smoke at leas 40 cigars. 70 on weekends. And all I can think about during this is how does a squirrel go about lighting a cigar? Where does a squirrel find that many cigars for that matter?

Of course, I end up doodling a cigar smoking squirrel, and then I add a bowler hat. And then I add an eye patch. I'm looking at this and I'm thinking to myself, this is a pirate-gangster squirrel. That smokes cigars. The longer I stare at it, though, the more it begins to remind me of something. It's squirrel Nick Fury. The longer I stare at it after that, the more it begins to look like squirrel Mad-Eye Moody.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Smoking Squirrel

Think I need psychiatric help of some kind.

Calculus wasn't exactly weird. The first 30 minutes of class was spent working on our test. The only problems with this test was  there were only two problems on them. The first had four or five sub-sections, and the second one had three or four, but still. That's not a lot room for error.

The first question is about limits, which I think I did alright on because I'm pretty sure I understand limits. The second part of the test was about derivatives.

I think I spent about five minutes staring at the test thinking to myself, "What the hell is a derivative." It was sort of terrifying. So I began to panic think. Right when I literally was about to give up, I realized that the derivative of a linear equation is the rate of change. I almost danced. Almost.

I'm still not entirely sure I explained everything clearly, but I'm pretty sure I didn't fail. I can live with that.

Before I go, I'd just like to say I got 100% on my first computer science project. That is all.

...I may or not be screaming and dancing around my house.

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