Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sleepy... Tuesday?

Good morning, sunshine.

I had morning practice today, and it was pretty much business as usual. Getting up at 6:15 am is hard. Running in the slight rain/wind storm/cold is even harder. Weight and Strength training was a cruel and unusual punishment.

So I got back to my house, put on this XXL men's button up long sleeve I got from a Good Will, and took a nap. that lasted five hours. Five hours.


I don't think that even counts as a nap anymore. I think that's basically I went to bed last night, took a brief moment to get up and run a bit, and then went back to sleep again.

...I slept until one.

...In the afternoon.

...Who let's me make these decisions?

Practice was alright today, consisting of a split tempo. There a wind storm here due to the hurricane on the east coast, but very little rain. Which is confusing, because it always rains here and I thought we'd be having weather closer to a monsoon than Chicago's everyday.

All I have left of my season is this week, ending with a 5k time trial on Thursday, and then a 10 day break from running altogether.

After practice my roommate and one of my neighbors went to Dairy Queen and got blizzards. I have a very serious question about blizzards though: when did cake blizzards get discontinued, and why was it allowed by society. I understand that this is a first world problem, but I just really want a cake blizzard. Really, really badly.

I also became emotionally attached to Eat, Pray, Love. Like, really attached. As in, I am embarrassed to admit how attached.

But it's late, and I have to get up early before my 8 am to shower and print of a homework assignment, so this is all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, judging by your picture, someone really needs caffeine!
