Monday, October 22, 2012

Get That Girl Some Adderall

For some reason I have the attention span of a 2 year old on Halloween today. I haven't drank that much coffee, and I was like this before I started drinking my tea. So I don't really know, but I'm all over the place and it's sort of fun. I sort of want to be this way forever. Five-ever. Ever-ever. ALL OF THE EVERS.


I apparently have a Anthropology test this Friday, which would have been nice to know last week. This also really confusing for me because we're only supposed to have two tests; the midterm and the final. And we already took the midterm. Does this mean my final is my essay? Or that I don't have any final? I wish that had been clarified because now I have no idea what this class is doing to me. Absolutely none.

Computer Science actually made sense today. Which leads me to believe that I actually don't know what's happening and my brain is just telling me that I understand to save me the pain. Also we will never speak of the midterm in that class. It would be cruel and unusual to do so.

I had yet another test in Calculus today. We haven't even gotten back the last test. What is he even doing? I can't even. I can't even begin to even. At least I think I did well on this one? It was all different types of derivatives, and it seemed pretty straight forward. So maybe I did get it! It was a skills test instead of a normal test, so I need at least a 9/10 to pass, but I get multiple tries to pass. But if I get 9 right on the first try, I'll get 110% on it soooo yeah.

But our teacher let us leave early (which has never happened in this class before, so I got breakfast! At Einstein's (where else?), and got a bagel and a pumpkin muffin. They didn't put any frosting on my muffin, but it was still delicious.

Speech was boring. Therefore I'm not going to talk about it.

Something I realized today is that you can draw on coffee mugs with dryerase board marker and it'll come right off! So obviously I made art.

So much beauty

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