I get to class and wait for class to start, listening to
This is when my almost-melt down begins.
Oh dear God. I'd forgotten to check the syllabus for the test. Usually it's okay if you sort of mess up on one test in a class, because you'll have more and also have homework to compensate. Not so in this case. This class has exactly three grades: the midterm, the final, and an essay.
Eventually I talk myself out of my mental screaming and begin to write down what the teacher says is going to be on the exam. Here is where I realize I have to read and take notes on six chapters, and read several articles to make sure I don't fail this test.
I start screaming in my head again.
It's a good thing that the teacher's lectures are all about the readings from the book, otherwise it would have been real screaming. And possibly crying, too. So I know the majority of the material, but now I just have to take notes to be thorough. I can handle that.
Class is, for once, let out early so I don't have to speed walk to my next class, like I usually do. They slower walk sucked the heat out of my coffee, though, and that was really depressing. But at least I'm not almost late, like I am every other day of Computer Science.
Now, I just turned in my last project and did a lab. I was happy to have the weekend stress free. I think I would have liked to have this news before the weekend.
I have project number two due next week on Thursday (October 4), and the teacher claims this one's a lot harder than the last projects. Which I already had problems with. When she's going over the project, it doesn't sound too bad. Want to know when it does sound bad? When you're back at your apartment, shot up with caffeine and adrenaline, and can't even begin to comprehend what you're reading. I'm going to be having a lot of questions next time we have class.
My Calculus class, while completely stressful and panic inducing, was probably one of my best classes of the day. I think I've mentioned it in one of my previous posts, about this portfolio I was waiting to get back. The portfolio that's 60% of my grade and is worth 150 points. And is my only grade. That came back today.
149/150 is 99%. Did you know that? Because I know that. Because that was my grade. I think I may have screamed. I know I slammed my portfolio onto my desk and flipped my arms up. The only point I lost was because of in-class participation. I can handle that.
I spent most of that class period just being happy, and understanding derivatives vaguely. I could also feel my adrenaline from panicking over the portfolio mixing with the caffeine from my coffee.
My last class after that is my Speech class. Usually, I sort of like this class, even though I'm a terrible speaker and all I want to do is curl up and die whenever I talk in front of large groups of people. The teacher's nice, she lets us out early a lot, and is really straight to the point. Unfortunately, I had to give a speech today.
It was a speech about a speech, and my caffeine-adrenaline laced self was not about to slow down for this.
I basically sped my way through the speech, and afterwards, I was sure I had missed the minimum time (1 minute 30 seconds, the maximum time being 2 minutes). But I didn't care too much by that point, because I had finished my speech, and I was basically done with classes. It was only as we were filing to get out of class that I realized that I was allowed to check my time with the timer.
Never have I been so glad to be tall. I basically got up on my tip toes and looked over everybody's shoulders.
It was exactly 1 minute and 30 seconds.
I may or may not have strutted out of the room. And out of the building. And all the way home.
This is all became too much for me. I literally bounced into the house, into the kitchen chair at the kitchen table, and danced to spotify in my chair for an hour. It was more of flailing and swaying frantically.
But that's how I dance all the time so...
I sort of stumbled my way through part of my project for a half an hour, before giving up. I made myself some lunch, and left for practice not that long afterwards.
Today was color day at practice! It's exactly what it sounds like; you dress all in one color and run like that. I was yellow (even my socks matched). My right foot sort of hurt during this, but I'm pretty sure that's because I wore my converse to class today, and the lack of arch just bothered my foot. So I made sure to do a little bit extra barefoot jogging at the end of my run.
I accidentally left my phone back at the apartment, though, so I missed my oldest sister's calls and text that she had my bike. So she had to come drop it off at my apartment. Oops! Oh well, I got to see my sister.
The rest of my night was lots of study tables (3 hours of study tables, to be exact) and anthropology notes.
Fun fact though, I found both my sister's blogs! Originally, the idea was for all of us to make blogs so we could see what each other were doing since we can't talk all the time
Oldest -- runeatnurse.blogspot.com/
Middle -- runningon-coffee.blogspot.com
Well, good night to everybody then! Or should I say good morning?
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